Thursday, December 5, 2013

Edible Glassware

Photo courtesy of  Loliware
"At first people tend to think they're either elegant or weird," says Chelsea Briganti, 30, of the edible "glassware" she created with two design school pals. "But in my experience, no one can refuse a bite." Festive, biodegradable Loliware comes in citrusy Bitter Bitters (pairs well with gin cocktails), tangy Salty Lime (great with tequila), and tart Sour Lemon (helps Champagne pop). Made from pectin, a gelling agent derived from fruits, the cups are surprisingly durable, and Briganti hopes they'll help replace disposable plastic -- and spark delicious conversations -- at parties. ($195 for 48;

We're Moving!

We've Moved! to WDW(Wedding Day Weekly) Blogging for Brides. Be sure to look for more signature drinks for your wedding there.

WDW is our host blog so we decided to combine all our content together for easier browsing. Enjoy! Salud! And have a happy wedding day.